House Painting
House Painting
At Connecticut House Painters LLC – We offer quality House Painting, Interior and Exterior. Take advantage of our discounts
and free estimates call us at 860-879-8222
We serve all of Connecticut and exclusive areas like Crescent Beach in Niantic and Mason Island next to Stonington and Mystic CT.
House Painting CT
Weather you have a deck or porch that needs painting done we are the pros that can help you.
CT House Painting
Interior House Painting | Exterior House Painting
“House Painting Contractor, CT”
Hire pro rated painting contractors and affordable prices
How Much does it cost to paint my house?
We extend our painting service in the following cities and towns of Connecticut:
Painters New London County Connecticut
| Baltic, CT 06330 | Bozrah, CT 06334 | Colchester, CT 06415 | East Lyme, CT 06333 | Franklin, CT 06254 | Gales Ferry, CT 06335 | Griswold, CT | Groton, CT 06340 | Hanover, CT 06350 | Jewett City, CT 06351 | Lebanon, CT 06249 | Ledyard, CT 06339 | Lisbon, CT 06351 | Lords Point, CT 06378 | Lyme, CT 06371 | Montville, CT 06353 | Morningside Park, CT | Mystic, CT 06355 | New London, CT 06320 | Niantic, CT 06357 | Noank, CT 06340 North Franklin, CT 06254 North Stonington, CT 06359 Norwich, CT 06360 | Norwichtown | Oakdale, CT 06370 | Occum, CT 06330 | Baltic, CT | Old Lyme, CT 06371 | Old Mystic, CT 06372 | Pawcatuck, CT, | Poquonock Bridge, CT | Preston, CT | Quaker Hill, CT 06375 | Salem, CT 06420 | Sprague, CT | Stonington, CT 06378 | Uncasville, CT 06382 | Versailles, CT 06383 | Voluntown, CT 06384 | Waterford, CT 06385 | West Mystic, CT 06388 | Yantic, CT 06389 |
Middlesex County Connecticut
| Centerbrook, CT 06409 | Chester, CT 06412 | Clinton, CT 06413 | Cobalt, CT 06414 |
| Cromwell, CT 06416 | Deep River, CT 06417 | Durham, CT 06422 |
| East Haddam, CT 06423 | East Hampton, CT 06424 | Essex, CT 06424 |
| Fenwick, CT 06475 | Haddam, CT 06438 | Higganum, CT 06441 | Ivoryton, CT 06442 |
| Killingworth, CT 06417 | Lake Pocotopaug | Middlefield, CT 06455 |
| Middletown, CT 06457 | Moodus, CT 06469 | Old Saybrook, CT 06475 |
| Portland, CT 06480 | Rockfall, CT 06481 | Saybrook Point | Westfield |
| Westbrook, CT 06498 | Winthrop
| Painting Baltic, CT 06330 | Painting Bozrah, CT 06334 | Painting Colchester, CT 06415 | Painting East Lyme, CT 06333 | Painting Franklin, CT 06254 | Painting Gales Ferry, CT 06335 | Painting Griswold, CT | Painting Groton, CT 06340 | Painting Hanover, CT 06350 | Painting Jewett City, CT 06351 | Painting Lebanon, CT 06249 | Painting Ledyard, CT 06339 | Painting Lisbon, CT 06351 | Painting Lords Point, CT 06378 | Painting Lyme, CT 06371 | Painting Montville, CT 06353 | Painting Morningside Park, CT | Painting Mystic, CT 06355 | Painting New London, CT 06320 | Painting Niantic, CT 06357 | Painting Noank, CT 06340 North Franklin, CT 06254 North Stonington, CT 06359 Norwich, CT 06360 | Painting Norwichtown | Painting Oakdale, CT 06370 | Painting Occum, CT 06330 | Painting Baltic, CT | Painting Old Lyme, CT 06371 | Painting Old Mystic, CT 06372 | Painting Pawcatuck, CT, | Painting Poquonock Bridge, CT | Painting Preston, CT | Painting Quaker Hill, CT 06375 | Painting Salem, CT 06420 | Painting Sprague, CT | Painting Stonington, CT 06378 | Painting Uncasville, CT 06382 | Painting Versailles, CT 06383 | Painting Voluntown, CT 06384 | Painting Waterford, CT 06385 | Painting West Mystic, CT 06388 | Painting Yantic, CT 06389 | Painting
| House Painting Baltic, CT 06330 | House Painting Bozrah, CT 06334 | House Painting Colchester, CT 06415 | House Painting East Lyme, CT 06333 | House Painting Franklin, CT 06254 | House Painting Gales Ferry, CT 06335 | House Painting Griswold, CT | House Painting Groton, CT 06340 | House Painting Hanover, CT 06350 | House Painting Jewett City, CT 06351 | House Painting Lebanon, CT 06249 | House Painting Ledyard, CT 06339 | House Painting Lisbon, CT 06351 | House Painting Lords Point, CT 06378 | House Painting Lyme, CT 06371 | House Painting Montville, CT 06353 | House Painting Morningside Park, CT | House Painting Mystic, CT 06355 | House Painting New London, CT 06320 | House Painting Niantic, CT 06357 | House Painting Noank, CT 06340 North Franklin, CT 06254 North Stonington, CT 06359 Norwich, CT 06360 | House Painting Norwichtown | House Painting Oakdale, CT 06370 | House Painting Occum, CT 06330 | House Painting Baltic, CT | House Painting Old Lyme, CT 06371 | House Painting Old Mystic, CT 06372 | House Painting Pawcatuck, CT, | House Painting Poquonock Bridge, CT | House Painting Preston, CT | House Painting Quaker Hill, CT 06375 | House Painting Salem, CT 06420 | House Painting Sprague, CT | House Painting Stonington, CT 06378 | House Painting Uncasville, CT 06382 | House Painting Versailles, CT 06383 | House Painting Voluntown, CT 06384 | House Painting Waterford, CT 06385 | House Painting West Mystic, CT 06388 | House Painting Yantic, CT 06389 | House Painting
Javier is everything you are looking for in a professional painter
They finished the job in 4 days and did a terrific job.
We hired Connecticut House Painters this past March 2016
We hired Connecticut House Painters this past March 2016 to help us with 1) re-painting/re-pairing/fixing one of the worst non-professional cautionary tale mess-ups ever from someone we hired before his team (do not hire a non-professional house painting company!!! there was paint on the windows, comforter, carpet, trim work, hardwood floors….)=) in a guest bedroom walls, trim work, and ceiling and 2) paint a foyer/hallway/stairway in our house that hadn’t been painted or touched up since 1974. His team were EXCELLENT: very professional, punctual, and provided high-quality work! I would recommend Javier and his team without hesitation to any future prospective client and we will DEFINETELY be utilizing his team in the future as we continue to update the rooms in our house.
If you are looking for quality and reliability he is the best choice.
I hired Connecticut House Painters to paint the interior and exterior
I hired Connecticut House Painters to paint the interior and exterior of my home in Waterford CT, they were meticulous, fast and professional. I have no complaints and i highly recommend them for any house painting needs.
They refinished the cabinets did a wonderful job
Javier and his crew did an amazing and professional job
Javier and his crew did an amazing and professional job on my house in North Stonington. My husband and I could not be more pleased with the job!! I highly recommend CT House Painters!! Thank you very much for a job well-done!
He was on time every day and finished on the time
The work is top quality and affordable
Just had exterior house painted and it looks fantastic.
We recently hired Connecticut House Painters to paint our house.
I recommend Connecticut House Painters LLC
I am a Builder and general contractor from Voluntown, CT. My last painter left me cause he couldn’t complete my request of work, so i was in need of a painting contractor with a big crew and i found Connecticut House Painters.
The turn around was perfect and the quality was better then last painter. its hard now and days to find reliable and professional painters and Javier is both. I recommend Connecticut House Painters LLC.
I recently hired Connecticut House Painters
I recently hired Connecticut House Painters to paint the interior of my home and Mystic CT. I truly am satisfied with the work and craftsmanship that Javier delivered him and his crew were very polite, professional and clean. They were very cautious to detail when we did the walk-through I had no issues and had nothing to point to I want to thank Javier and his crew Connecticut house painters for the wonderful work they did…
Connecticut House Painters
Connecticut House Painters painted the exterior of our home last summer and I meant to write this review earlier, but never got around to it. I did, however, refer my neighbor to them and they did an awesome job painting her home interior last week!!! This crew is polite, talented, and does what they say they will do. They even went above and beyond cleaning up our Dalmatian puppy’s poop in our backyard and notified us that she ate and passed our 1 year old’s socks! Yup, you can’t make this stuff up. GREAT WORK!! Thanks!
Clean and professional painters
Connecticut House Painters is the premier house painter
I hired Javier and his crew
I hired Javier and his crew to paint the interior of my newly purchased mobile home. Right from the start Javier was very professional and easy to work with. On the day the painting was to be done, Javier and his crew arrived 15 minutes early and went right to work fixing some small holes and priming the walls for painting.Javier and his crew worked diligently paying special attention to every little detail. When they were done everything looked amazing!!! I would definitely hire Javier and his crew again without a doubt and would absolutely recommend him to anyone looking for a top notch painting company.
Javier Santos did a wonderful job painting my home
Just bought a house in Mystic, Connecticut and had Connecticut house painters paint the interior. It was in need of painting and had a lot of wallpaper and a lot of the rooms. Javier Santos did a wonderful job painting my home, I look forward to hiring him for the exterior great work very reliable very clean. I highly recommend Connecticut House Painters LLC.
I highly recommend CT House Painters!
I highly recommend CT House Painters!
Great attention to detail, professional and great finished work!
Excellent and quality service, fast and professional
Excellent and quality service, fast and professional. I am a very busy business owner, own several houses in south eastern CT and scheduling repair projects are a challenge. Javier House Painting Service came highly recommended from a couple of friends I trust in Norwich. I called and he was able to work within my busy schedule. The work was done on time and in a very professional manner. The attention to detail was extraordinary and on point. I have already recommended Connecticut House Painters LLC to other friends and family members as well and will continue to do so.
We hired Connecticut House Painters
We hired Connecticut House Painters for some work on our house in Portland, and could not be happier. Not only was Javier easy to work with and very respectful, he and his crew were extremely professional and very diligent. It absolutely showed in the end result of the work, which was top notch. I would definitely recommend Connecticut House Painters to any prospective client.
The work is very professional and clean
I am writing this to speak on my experience on the work accomplish on a few of our buildings and properties around the Mystic CT and Ledyard CT area.
Our building were in bad shape with paint peeling and wood that was rotted for years, we had a few quotes from well known companies in The area of Stonington and Mystic, but after meeting the owner of Connecticut House Painters LLC out of New London CT we knew he was the best choice and his price was in the middle but his character and knowledge was more then the other painting contractors.
Connecticut House Painters LLC completed the painting of the Interior and Exterior of 3 properties and the time was perfect as he said he would finish. The work is very professional and clean I have nothing to complain about. I would recommend the painters at Connecticut House Painters LLC
CT House Painters recently painted
CT House Painters recently painted the interior of a new home for me. The place had not been painted in 20 years. They did a great job! Prepped the walls, trim and ceilings and the job was completed in one week. The guys were all professional, polite and friendly. The house was left clean. I would highly recommended CT House Painters and it’s crew.
Amazing work guys!
Amazing work guys! It feels so good in here! Blessings your way!!!
The paint job looks amazing!
I highly recommend Connecticut House Painters LLC.
With so many painting companies to choose from in Waterford, Connecticut House Painters LLC stands out from the rest by consistently completing projects in an efficient manner at fair rates. We use only top quality products and qualified painting crews experienced with helping clients make the most informed decorating and painting decisions. With a team of well-trained and experienced painters, we understand what home and business owners expect from a painting company and we are at the ready to deliver.
Residential painting
Residential Painting services include thorough sanding of all surfaces to create a perfect base before painting. Let our service crew do all the heavy lifting and carefully move your furniture, remove and replace switch plates and fixtures, as well as protect your flooring and belongings with drop cloths as part of a complete prep plan. Choose from a variety of high quality paints, with low VOC for minimum odor. Count on a full clean up when your painting project is complete and a full walkthrough to address any concerns.
Commercial Painting
Our commercial painting services in Waterford are carried out by a fully insured, licensed and well trained painting team for office buildings & schools, hotels & retail stores, apartment complexes, medical facilities and any Waterford industry that requires the services of a professional painting crew. Connecticut House Painters LLC also offers flexible work schedules during weekends and evenings for minimal disruption to your commercial business.