CT Painters

CT Painters

Connecticut House Painters LLC

Residential Painting & Commercial Painting



Proudly Serving Connecticut

Connecticut Painters

Are you looking for a  professional Painting Contractor then we are your best choice. Why Connecticut House Painters LLC?

#1 Trust Worthy & Reliable

#2 Clean & Professional

#3 Affordable & top quality work

CT Painters 


Connecticut, U.S.A

geo Location: 41.5133395,-73.8786183

Company: Connecticut House Painters LLC

Address: 64 Dell Ave, New London, CT 06320
Hours: Open today · 7AM–9PM
Residential Painting & Commercial Painting

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We are a full service house painting company. We have the resources and experience necessary to meet all of your residential needs. I am highly motivated and looking forward to working with you on your upcoming paint projects. Please review our services and take a look at some of are recent interior and exterior painting projects.

Specializing in Interior and Exterior Painting

As Home Improvment Contractors we repair walls, trims, dry wall, wall and ceiling textures, base boards, crown moldings, doors and window frames, hardwood floors, stucco, siding of all type and wood rot repairs as well.
Other Services we provide: Power washing, Cleaning tile roof’s, Painting tile roof’s
Wall paper removal, pop corn removal and cleaning.
Our forms of painting are Spraying with sprayer machines most exterior's we spray when working on stucco, most exterior with siding we paint by Rolling or brushing.
What we paint: Residential, house, home, apartment, condominium
Property Management, Commercial, business, store front, restaurant, government facilities.


History On Painting

We Paint Mansions, Houses, Condos to Apartments.
I started painting in Connecticut with a well respected Paint Contractor.
I have Painted in Fisher’s Island, New York and Nantucket Island and all over New England,
and in Orlando, FL giving the best of my skills to my clients.
Get a top Quality Paint Job, with out the top quality price.

Painting Service area: New London County and Middlesex County Connecticut.

We service: New London, Groton, Ledyard, Mystic, Stonington, Waterford, East Lyme, Niantic, Old Lyme, Old Saybrook, CT and more.

Residential Painting & Commercial Painting

Painting Service

Paint | Paints | Painter | Painters | Painting | Contractor | Contractors | House | Home | Residential | Commercial | Interior | Exterior | CT | Connecticut | Faux | Custom | Repaint | New | Construction | Epoxy | Stain | Staining | Coating | Sherwin Williams | Benjamin Moore | Rings End | Primer



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